lørdag 15. mai 2010

Some new doings.

This is a quilt made with blocks from a block-swap. The stitchery are valentine blocks from Quilt-Stina I think. The quilt is a 40 years of marriage anniversary for my hubby and me.
Tablecloths for my daughter in law.
Another blockswap, with 7 other quiltladies. I turned mine into a bag. And of course our dog Mico.

This is the back of it.
A birthdaygift for my eldest daughter. It says, ingen dag uten kaffe. That means.. No day without coffee.

The days have flown by. We have finally got summer. But today it is raining. We need rain, but I hope it will not last for weeks.
I am loading up more fotoes, so stay tune. Have a nice day.

4 kommentarer:

Laila sa...

Jammen har du vært flittig .. Masse flott her.
Ha en super dag .
Klem ;-)

Quiltbenaco sa...

Che bei lavori!

Vigdis sa...

Du har jammen gjort mye fint.Hjerteteppet ditt/deres ble kjempefint :))

2ne sa...

Hei og takk for en koselig helg ute hos Karin. Håper du fortsetter og blogge så jeg kan få følge de flotte arbeidene dine,legger deg til i listen........og venter spent. Koselig blogg du har :-) Ønsker deg en kreativ uke.